So in the meantime, here's the current timeline we are following. I aim for this each day, but as we go to classes at varying times each day, I can't be too rigid about it. If I get it 80% on target then I can be guaranteed a happy, cheeky bubba.
Bean is currently 20 weeks (just over 4.5 months) and we've been following this for ooh maybe 4-5 weeks now… perhaps a little more!
7:30am - Feed, usually a breastfeed.
9am - 9:30am - Nap, back in cot
10:15am - if we're going to a class, we'll leave around now, otherwise nap until:
11am - Feed (classes permitting), usually 9oz from the bottle
1pm - Nap, ideally back in cot
3pm - Feed, usually 9oz from the bottle
5pm - a little catnap of no longer than 45 mins
6pm - General distractions to get through the tortuous hour before bedtime routine.
[Any tips on what to do for that last witching hour??! Usually we go for a wander round the garden, watch a bit of telly (argh!) or do some bouncing in his doorway bouncer. Anything to fend off the CrankyPants.]
Then the bedtime routine is pretty fixed:
7pm - Feed, usually 5oz
7:20pm - into bath. Let him have a massive kick around and wear himself out
7:30pm - massage with the lights down low and singing the same 'lullabies'*
7:45pm - into PJs and sleeping back. Dummy in and story (we're favouring the Mr Men series at the moment).
7:50pm - final 'lullaby', cuddle and lights out.
We put him to sleep with a white noise machine on (he currently favours 'Calm Waves'… !) and a star projection. I'll write more about our night-time arsenal a bit later because we do have a few tricks, but these are the most important.
We'll then wake him for a feed about 10pm which at the moment is 9oz, but I think I may start cutting back on this as he's taking less and less in the morning now.
I am blessed with a boy who sleeps through, and has done since about 8 weeks. We had to do some dummy-training around 12 weeks as he was waking up pretty frequently looking for a dummy but other than that he's been a delight.
I'm a big BIG fan of the 10pm, I'm certain that this is one of the reasons he goes so long. For us it's less about a dreamfeed and more about a feed. If he stays asleep, great, but 90% of the time he's properly awake. I know a few of my friends haven't got on with it so well but I'd really recommend trying it out and giving it time to stick. There's lots of different versions of this feed, in terms of how you handle it (fully awake or treat it like a night feed etc etc) so just experiment with what works for you.
Right anon, dear hearts, the grocery shop calls.